A lot of vending machine operators are trying to tap into potential customers that are “health conscious”. Some vending sales companies even try to use that healthy niche to brand certain vending machines or packages. The numbers for health conscious consumers are rising every day and health food vending products are definitely something that should be integrated to any vendor or anyone who own and operate a vending machine.
The truth is, ANY vending machine can be made “Healthy”. Take any vending machine, like the ones offered by Piranha, and fill it with health conscious snacks and drinks. Del Monte has a line of pre-packaged products that are specific for this purpose. Price them accordingly to the costs that you purchased them for. That’s it! Now you are ready to compete at any business location that require healthy items in their facility!
Still, the best way to tap into the healthy market is to place a mixture of healthy, and regular items in your vending machine. Healthy items like fruits/yogurts/milk tend to have a very short shelf-life and are more perishable then conventional items like chips/candy/soda. Offering the variety of all different items will not only cut down operating costs from spoilage, it will also please any consumer who is looking for any type of snack.
As a vendor, your job is to offer the consumer what you think they would want. And what best way to do that then to put everything out there?!